Visualizing Dual Reporting Structures with OrgChart JS |
Visualizing Dual Reporting Structures with OrgChart JSOrganizational charts are a powerful tool for visualizing company hierarchy. Sometimes, however, employees have dual reporting relationships, which can be tricky to represent in a standard org chart. This blog post demonstrates how to use the OrgChart JS library to effectively visualize such scenarios, using dotted lines to indicate secondary reporting structures. We'll walk through a code example where Anahi Gordon, the QA Manager, reports to both the IT Director and the CEO. Setting up the Dotted Line TemplateThe key to visualizing dual reporting lies in customizing the link between nodes. OrgChart allows you to define custom templates for different types of connections. Here's the code snippet that creates a "dotted" template:
This code snippet first creates a new template called dotted by copying the existing olivia template. Then, it customizes the label, defs, and link properties. The defs section defines the arrow markers used at the start and end of the dotted line. The link property defines the path of the dotted line itself, including the arrow markers. The stroke property controls the color of the line, and stroke-width controls the thickness. Creating the Organization Chart and Defining Dotted Lines
Here, dottedLines is an array of objects. Each object defines a dotted line. from and to specify the IDs of the nodes connected by the dotted line. tags is used to associate the dotted line with the custom template we created earlier. The tags object then links the "dotted" tag to the dotted template. Loading the DataFinally, we load the employee data:
Notice that Anahi Gordon (id: 5) reports to the IT Director (id: 3) through the standard hierarchical structure defined by the pid (parent ID) property. The dottedLines array then establishes a secondary reporting relationship to the CEO (id: 1). By using this approach, you can clearly visualize complex reporting structures in your organizational charts, making them more informative and easier to understand. This is especially useful for representing matrix management or other scenarios where individuals have multiple reporting lines. Remember to include the OrgChart library in your project for this code to work. Еasily Create a Template in an OrgChart![]() Node Swapping in an Organizational Chart![]() Vladimir Putin Family TreeAdd Field Data in Expand button with OrgChart JS![]() Bill Gates Family Tree![]() Create a Tooltip for a ForeignObject Element Hover in OrgChart JS![]() Custom Aligning Nodes in a JavaScript Organizational ChartCenter and Zoom on Search Click in OrgChart JSCreate Multiline Group Titles in OrgChart JS![]() Adding Arrows in OrgChart JS Links![]() Show a Custom Edit Form for a node in OrgChart JS![]() Jeff Bezos Family Tree![]() How to Add Material Icons in OrgChart JS![]() Leonardo DiCaprio Family Tree![]() Exporting OrgChart JS to A4 PDF: A Step-by-Step Guide![]() Genghis Khan Family Tree: The Lineage of the Great KhanOrgChart JS now support Export to VisioNew Export Option: childLevels in OrgChart JS![]() Elon Musk Family Tree![]() AI for OrgChart JS: Revolutionizing Organization Charts![]() Family Tree JS 2 (Preview)![]() d3 org chart![]() Our Family Tree App is Now on Android!Why BALKAN OrgChart JS is the Best Organizational Chart Library![]() How to Create a JavaScript Flow Chart![]() How to Add an Organizational Chart to a Mobile Application![]() How to Create a JavaScript Organizational Chart![]() OrgChart JS Now Supports PDF Export Per Team![]() Introducing Family Tree App![]() Donald Trump Family Tree![]() Discover Your Roots: Build Your Family Tree with BALKAN App![]() JavaScript Organization Chart![]() Instantly create interactive, intuitive flowcharts in seconds![]() JavaScript Hierarchy Chart![]() Mermaid js alternativeCreate Flowcharts in Seconds with Flow Chart JS: Your New Favorite JavaScript LibraryCustomizing Filter UI - Code of The WeekZoom Slider - Code of The WeekBookmarks - Code of The WeekCustomizing Search Results - Code of The WeekIntroducing Undo Redo - Code Of The Week![]() Price adjustment announcement![]() The price will increase for new customersButtons for adding family members to a family tree - Code of The WeekLevels - Code of The WeekChange node color from a button in the Edit Form - Code of The WeekFilter and Highlight Nodes - Code of The WeekUp Expanding - Code Of The WeekProgrammatically move the chart - Code of The WeekSiblings in Family Tree JS - Code of The WeekPurple template - Code of The WeekAssistant With Children - Code of The WeekConditional Layout - Code of The WeekConditional Color - Code of the WeekSriniz Family Tree Template - Code of The WeekColor Picker - Code of The WeekAdd company logo as watermark in exported PDF documents - Code of The WeekMind map - Code of The WeekCreate relationship with circle menu - Code of The WeekAnimated Photos - Code of the WeekGrouped Dotted Lines - Code Of The WeekDotted Lines - Code Of The WeekDepartment Dynamic Title - Code Of The WeekAdd expand button for partners - Code of the WeekChange the sub levels with Drag and Drop - Code of The WeekCustom Edit From using Popover - Code of the WeekSub levels tag option - Code of the WeekHighlights search results directly on Org Chart nodes - Code of the WeekCode of the Week/Relationship maps and Business process diagramsSearch using field name abbreviations - Code of the WeekDynamic Template - Code of the WeekRead and Write local CSV file using File API and Org Chart JS - Code of The WeekOrganizational Chart Path Highlighting and SelectionModern Template - Org Chart JSPerformance - Org Chart JS![]() Single parent is supported in Family Tree JS![]() How To Develop a Flowchart Maker with Org Chart JS![]() How to upload a photo to Family Tree JS in .NET core![]() How to change the color of selected node - Family Tree JS![]() Family Tree with live tiles |